Tuesday, October 5, 2010

QU Social Media Breakfast

Social media has become such a prevailing tool in the world of Communications that it is becoming a necessary component of education. For example, a major component of our Public Relations Research course is dedicated to weekly blogging, one of the most dominant forms of social media. The social media trend that is currently dominating the public relations industry has not gone unnoticed by educators in the field, specifically, here at Quinnipiac.
The graduate interactive communications program is co-sponsoring a Social Media Breakfast with Cronin and Company and Mediassociates. The event is scheduled to begin on October 15, and will continue to be held every six weeks throughout the remainder of the school year. The Social Media Breakfasts will consist of panel discussions by leading professionals in the Connecticut area, talk backs, presentations, etc. The main goal of this conference series is to establish discussion of how the emerging tool of social media can be viewed as a more permanent and respected aspect of PR, advertising, etc. in Connecticut. Cronin and Company, one of the sponsors, have used multiple forms of social media, like Facebook events, Twitter, etc. to gain more publicity for the conference.
It is essential for all PR programs and educators adapt to the constantly changing medias available. Students hoping to have a career PR need to have the appropriate skills to work in the multiple channels that have not only existed in the industry, but are beginning to emerge. “Our students are studying social media and to hear professionals discuss how it is used day-to-day is invaluable,” said Phillip Simon, director of Quinnipiac’s graduate interactive Communications program.
The first conference in the Social Media Breakfast Series will take place October 15th at 7:30 AM. The series will be held each week in the Mancheski Seminar Room of the Lender Business Center.

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