Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to Reach Your "Target"

As a junior in college, I’ve come to the understanding that Target is a critical means of survival for many college students across the country. From toiletries to apparel, they’ve truly provided all you can need in a “One-Stop-Shop.” Each summer I look forward to my trip to Target to purchase all of my dorm necessities.
 Target has sharply created a college brand in which students are able to purchase any and all of their dorm room needs. From XL-Twin sheets to stackable bins, if the college kid needs it, Target has it. This past summer, not only did Target sharply capitalize on the market that is college students (and believe me, it exists) but also knew the proper outlets to reach their “targets”.
This past summer, Target launched a social media campaign on Facebook dedicated to their College Collection. They decided to focus their Facebook page on dorm room survival. Their page featured a “Checklist” of all incoming freshman college needs, but also had different daily tips for future students. Naturally, the Facebook page featured multiple pictures of Target’s dorm merchandise. However, the Facebook page also had a feature that allowed students to upload pictures of their dorm rooms equipped with Target’s College Collection.
I thought that the ability of consumers to upload their own photos was the most brilliant aspect of the Target Facebook campaign. One of everyone’s favorite apps to Facebook is photos. While consumers got the thrill of having their photo blasted across the internet for all of Target’s “fans’” to see, Target was able to not only have their merchandise seen by more prospective customers, but also highlight that Target’s merchandise truly is the most functional for the college dorm.
Public Relations is defined as a means of two way communication between the company and their audience. Therefore, an opportunity for active participation from the audience needs to be a key feature of the social media campaign. While unhappy customer response could potentially backfire for a company launching a social media campaign, the Target College Necessities Facebook campaign was undoubtedly successful. As “Black Friday” and the Christmas shopping season approaches, I’m excited to see what Target, and their Facebook page, has in store for loyal customers.

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